Quizmas is coming!

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2020 has been a year like no other, and the impact Covid-19 has had on on our lives has made us change the way we work and socialise. With many offices still closed and workplaces spread in homes across the country, the traditional end of year office get together is a concept that is a million miles away, even though the need for bonding and emotional support is greater than ever!
Race Party is here to help. Our all new Quizmas Sessions are the perfect way for staff to get together virtually and participate in an hour long session filled with a range of different games, quizzes and trivia competitions.

Our Online Party sessions are fully hosted by one of our Race Party team members in a safe and secure environment. Sessions are open to everyone but places are limited. To book your place click on the button below.

Personalise your experience!
Not only are our Quizmas Sessions heaps of fun, you can tailor your own exclusive experience. Let us create games and quizzes using content that you provide us about your people. From fun facts that others may not know, survey responses on team specific questions, to putting the correct name to a baby picture. We also add your company logo to all games and presentations.

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A Race Party Quizmas Session runs for one hour and can be conducted at a time to suit you and your team. All sessions are hosted and coordinated by one of the Race Party team, and can be designed for all group sizes and demographics.

For more information about our offerings, please go to www.raceparty.com, or click on the button below to send through and enquiry email.


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Well it’s time to revisit all that slot-car racing again at Race Party!

You will race your friends, family or colleagues on custom designed, state of the art race tracks, using model slot cars and remote controls.

When not racing you can be a spectator or a marshal getting your friend’s racing cars back on the track too!


Try the Albert Park track for it’s challenging corners and loops or the Monaco track for it’s own loops, angles and super fast runs.
Test yourself, by controlling your car while outracing your opponents.

Enjoy the thrill and diversion of Race Party. Ideal to get the creative juices flowing, de-stressing after a busy day or just celebrating fun times and special events. Race Party has something for absolutely everyone!


Check out our Instagram feed  -  #raceparty   - come join the fun!