Racing on the silver screen: 3 movies featuring slot car racing

movies with slot cars

Slot car racing has been around for decades and it’s certainly had its fair share of mentions in popular films over the years. With that in mind, we decided to highlight a few times that our favourite hobbyist’s sport made it to the silver screen.

As you’ll see, we’re covering several decades here, with special slot car cameos from the 1960s, 1970s and 1990s. Each one shines a spotlight on the hobby and helps to build more public interest in slot car racing.

Casino Royale (1967)

This satirical, non-canonical Bond film may not have been a critical darling, but it did at least feature a prominent, if unusual, slot car racing scene. It’s also remarkable for its ability to envision remote controlled cars at a time when the concept was relatively unknown.

In the scene in question, Bond is fleeing a villainous woman who is driving a Jaguar. She calls into the villain’s lair for assistance and her support team activate a remote controlled milk truck to assist in the chase. There in the lair, they have a scaled down version of the city streets which they use for directional help, guiding a toy milk truck (i.e. the slot car) in the direction that the real vehicle should be moving.

Slapshot (1977)

Slapshot is a 1970s comedy film about a fictional hockey team that resorts to overtly violent strategies on the ice in order to gain some popularity. Paul Newman starred as the main character, while the Hanson Brothers were there for comedic relief.

The brothers ranged in age from 18 to 20, but they still had a penchant for playing with toy cars. In one scene, we find them playing with slot cars, though the emphasis seems to be on crashing the cars into one another rather than crossing the finish line.

Pulp Fiction (1994)

Quentin Tarantino’s iconic film is known for its nonlinear storytelling, brash dialogue and edgy mix of violence and humour. But did you know it also features slot cars?

In one scene, we see Uma Thurman and John Travolta strolling into a stylish car-themed restaurant, complete with booths fashioned after classic cars and an incredible slot car track set up. We certainly wouldn’t mind having a slot car track like that of our own!

Experience slot car racing at Race Party

To try a casual slot car racing session or to book a Race Party visit our bookings page, phone (03) 9882 1391 or fill out the form below:

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Well it’s time to revisit all that slot-car racing again at Race Party!

You will race your friends, family or colleagues on custom designed, state of the art race tracks, using model slot cars and remote controls.

When not racing you can be a spectator or a marshal getting your friend’s racing cars back on the track too!


Try the Albert Park track for it’s challenging corners and loops or the Monaco track for it’s own loops, angles and super fast runs.
Test yourself, by controlling your car while outracing your opponents.

Enjoy the thrill and diversion of Race Party. Ideal to get the creative juices flowing, de-stressing after a busy day or just celebrating fun times and special events. Race Party has something for absolutely everyone!


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